Customer Testimonials

First training session for my dog was very personal and helpful. We signed up for 4 more! Now reinforcing things at home and I am already seeing a decrease in some problem behaviors! Jacques had great fun with his play time at the end of our session.
Susan Jeansonne
We were at our wits end with our dog. We gave her up to a rescue for 2 months. The people brought her back because they couldn't do anything with her. Thanks to EZ Dog Training & Boarding for making it possible to keep her.
Tracy Parker
The dog trainer is working one on one with us and our 3 year Golden Retriever to fine tune some behavior problems. One of them is the 75 lb. dog trying to " drag me down the street" when walking him. She is great with the animals and a great teacher. We are making improvements. Thank you so much Brandy for your expertise. We would gladly go back to her again!
Brandy is awesome. She has trained our two Great Danes that we honestly were not really sure could be trained. Niley ran off all the time and Banks was just stubborn. Now both are working on off leash and doing fantastic. Niley is walking the neighborhood without a leash and following commands like she has been doing this for years. I am so happy we called Brandy. I recommend her to everyone I know.
Alice Taylor
Brandy is amazing! She listens to your concerns and is very knowledgeable! She has given me so much hope and works so well with me and my dogs!
Brandy (and Caesar) are the best! So knowledgeable and friendly! Very convenient and Bentley (my dog) loves them both!
If it weren’t for Brandy we would have euthanized our pit Koa . Our dog has been animal aggressive since the moment we brought her home , Brandy has been a trainer that has shown me to treat my animal like a dog not a child to teach her that I am the alpha and respect that . No matter how long it takes me to learn to do something with Koa , Brandy will continue to go over it until I feel confident and mastered it. I would definitely recommend Brandy with EZ Dog Training if you’re having any kind of problem with your animal or if you’re just wanting them to be better behaved ,she’s a very good trainer and I think you’ll be satisfied . Nicole Choate